A mother is sculptor of her childs character and ideology.
A mother gives perspective to her child to view the world. Hence Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan has said if the mother is educated her children will bring about great changes in the world. Mother is epitome of love, sacrifice, compassion and never give up strength for me!
My mother has taught me never to lose hopes and keep on doing the good without expectations. I believe any mother would be happy if the child learns her good deeds and carries them forward for the betterment of one’s family, friends and society. When you follow her path of sacrifices and create a better world she would feel her sacrifices were worth it! Also if once in a while we stop taking her for granted and ask her to spend a day of her choice and children the chores she has been doing for ages she feels valued and loved. She would ofcourse take out nooks in childrens work but that is make them better. I am personally moved to tears when my 4 year old waits for me to have lunch with him…any mom never yearns for big show off gifts but for little gestures of love that bind family togather!! And most important – once in a while do tell her You love her!